I love the following quote, which makes any further refutation by me unnecessary:
TheAryanPath wrote:I am 100% positive there are plenty of Negroids that have a higher intellect than I do .....
I agree, negroids do exhibit a higher intellect than you do.
At least they can recognize their own and maybe they rob each other but don't sow so much dissention over phantasmal theories.
TheAryanPath wrote:To me, HOLY Spirit is the "PURE worldview/racial awareness" of God. God has the purest (holiest) of all worldview/racial awareness. What does Holy mean to you? What does "God's Holy Bible" mean to you?
This is not how the scripture defines the holy spirit. Your definition is unscriptural and wild fantasy. I let the scripture define the holy spirit in my podcast, and if you are referring to the breath of life, the ministering of the holy spirit is the sharing of the breath of life between Adamites in the society, as I explain in my podcast quoting the scripture.
Holy means separate and set apart. Spirit is the sharing of the breath of life within Yahweh's children. Your definition is purely apostate and not worthy of further discussion.
TheAryanPath wrote:
Furthermore, if everyone already has a "spirit" then how can one change the "spirit" of another? Simple, by educating them; changing their current corrupt worldview (bad spirit) into a proper racial worldview (good spirit). When a "spirit" is said to descend onto someone, it is an ENLIGHTENMENT they attain towards a proper/healthy worldview; a new WORLDVIEW that they see the world through. All of this boogy woogy supernatural/mystical/magic stuff is JudeoChrstian crapola in my opinion. So now we have God breathing life into some babies but not others? LMAO. Ever heard of ALLEGORICAL? Some allegories you can understand while others you still cannot. Amazing. I guess its just really hard to get past that early childhood story-telling. Let me scare you further, I do not believe Mary was a "virgin" that God mysteriously impregnated (oh no!) or that Jesus floated his dead body up into the sky (oh no! that's sacrilegious! I'm going to hell now!)... boogy woogy crapola. If you think Jesus body floated away, then Jesus must have the only physical body in heaven right now. His rotting body must stink to high heaven by now. Maybe I could have watched his body float up with my telescope and located Heaven for you. Come on buddy, the Bible is full of parables and allegories used to refer to our physical history and our physical biology.
If you deny the virgin birth, death, and resurrection of Yashuah, there is no light in you, as saith the scripture, and you are going to hell, as saith the scripture. Fire is reserved for those who deny the literal life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Yashuah. No wonder you are such a petulant little prick and such a frustrating waste of time. You deny Yashua! You are woefully ignorant of the scripture and obviously spend too much time jew-terpreting the bible. Yashua said himself he sits on the right hand of the father, yet you deny his ascension. There are numberless angels there with him. You are trying to reduce everything to a physical history and in fact denying the Father is a Spirit and that we too, are spirit, trapped in flesh for a time.
TheAryanPath wrote: Did Jesus walk around calling others niggers or muds or beasts or whatever slang one wishes to spew towards a non-Adamite? No. Only those with self esteem issues do such things
Yashua called a Canaanite woman a dog, the worst racial slur in existence in his day. So you have accused our Ruler and God of having self-esteem issues, petulant blasphemer.
TheAryanPath wrote:My opinion is not meant to be FACT for all to agree with. Its just my opinion. If someone does not like my opinion so be it. My opinion of scripture may contradict YOUR opinion of scripture. That is it. Your not God and neither am I. Stating an opinion is not prideful. What would be prideful, is if I DEMANDED everyone else agree with me and think as I do. That is both arrogance and pride. However, stating ones opinion and having a discussion, is just a discussion.
Kind of like, your truth is true for you, my truth is true for me? Sounds like situational ethics. Psa 12:3 "The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things:" and the hebrew for pride here means, "insolent, or twisted." ....which is what you are doing in your posts with your insolent screed of anti-scriptural ideas.
TheAryanPath wrote:However, if you think Noah had BOTH the recessive blue eye gene and the dominant brown eye gene in his genome then that is NOT purity to me.
You are talking about the genetics of eye color as if it can be summed up in one of Mendel's little punnet squares for sugar snap peas. Your ignorance of genetics is leviathan. Man's eye and hair color is determined by a vast array of genetic markers regulating the production of melanin, the same pigment that colors eyes, hair, and skin, and because there are so many genes involved we have such a variety of eye, hair and skin tone among Aryans. There are not just 4 genes involved, as you are seeming to rest on. Dominant/Recessive is only a small part of it, as there is not a gene for blue eyes. There is a host of genes for melanin production. There are an array, not a Mendelian punnet square. Sheesh.
Your denial of the virgin birth, and resurrection and ascension of Christ means there is no light in you. Learn of these things first before you propose to correct men who have seen and revealed that light to others.
Bill said he barely graduated from high school, and I dropped out of Junior high. I consider worldly education a mark of how much money you are willing to give a bunch of jews to train you as a monkey-slave for their corporations. Yet I have a working knowledge of the scripture, something most doctorates don't have today. So who is better able to arrive at the truth?
I say we send AryanPath to hang out with Lindstedt and stop wasting our time with his trolling and denials of Yashua the Christ.