TheAryanPath wrote:PS. OK Bill, after rereading your statement below I see what you mean. If I remove the paragraph you are referring to, then yes, I will have to apologize to you for not understanding what you were saying. I'm sorry, I now see that you are saying Jews are the mutation; agreed. However, I have never purposely twisted your words or lied about you. In addition, the Blue Eye is a MIRACLE not a MUTATION but the Jew quoted in the article is not going to say that, he is going to turn white to black and call it a mutation. SOP for the Jew, nothing new.
“All blue-eyed subjects had the mutation, and there was very little variation on the genes neighboring it on the chromosome, indicating that the mutation first arose relatively recently.[The only blue-eyed Whites who have mutations are those mixed with jews! - WRF]”
Well, you should have gone back the first time to see what my complaint was, rather than whine about it, and a lot of this could have been avoided.
TheAryanPath wrote:PSS. Bill, I still agree with your statements below regarding who has BLUE EYES and BROWN EYES:
“Danish researchers have concluded that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor, presumably someone who lived 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. [Yeah, Noah! - WRF]”
"Originally, we all had brown eyes," Professor Hans Eiberg of the University of Copenhagen said in a press release. "But a genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a 'switch,' which literally 'turned off' the ability to produce brown eyes. [No, originally THEY all had brown eyes - WRF]”
But you are still reading more into this than I actually said, and therefore making me out to be a hypocrite. Just because I would claim that blue eyes originated with our race, does not mean that I inferred that ALL of our race had ONLY blue eyes. Stop putting words into my mouth.
And just because I said that "THEY" (meaning the other races) all had brown eyes originally, does not mean that I inferred that no Adamites had brown eyes. Again, stop putting words into my mouth.
I think you are living proof of the problems with grade inflation in today's school system. You read what is not there, and don't read the things that are there. But that's just my opinion, and what do I know.