Bill, I agreed with your entire assessment of this article; for which, your complete assessment can be found here:
viewtopic.php?f=14&t=925&p=3065&hilit=blue+eyes#p3065Examples of Bill’s commentary in blue writing I agree with:
“Danish researchers have concluded that all blue-eyed people share a common ancestor, presumably someone who lived 6,000 to 10,000 years ago. [Yeah, Noah! - WRF]”"Originally, we all had brown eyes," Professor Hans Eiberg of the University of Copenhagen said in a press release. "But a genetic mutation affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a 'switch,' which literally 'turned off' the ability to produce brown eyes. [No, originally THEY all had brown eyes - WRF]”Until, I got to the paragraph as shown below, from that point forward I believe your initial Biblical assessment of the article turns 180 degrees and goes far astray for reasons unknown.
“All blue-eyed subjects had the mutation, and there was very little variation on the genes neighboring it on the chromosome, indicating that the mutation first arose relatively recently.
[The only blue-eyed Whites who have mutations are those mixed with jews! - WRF]”
Bill, where does the author ever imply blue eyes originated with nasty Jews? Why did you suddenly make this inaccurate claim? You started out your assessment correctly that it was ADAM’s/Noah's seedline who was granted this BLUE eyed miracle not the nasty Jew or existing Tares. This out of context assessment on your part is curious because we all know Jews belong to races that have Brown eyes (whether Sephardic or Ashkenazi) like all Tares people do UNLESS they have been mixed at some point with a BLUE eyed Adamite who God created 8-10 thousand years ago, which you agreed with in the first half of the article. So why the sudden change one must ask?
I would agree with you Bill that the Bible does not specifically say what a PURE seedline Adamite is but like you do, we can all surmise an educated assumption of what a PURE , remember we are talking 100% PURE Adamic seedline would be. Just as we know a Pure Adamic seedline would not include the Arabs or Asians who have lilly white skin, I know purity among the Israelites would be of ONE eye color. Purity is totality.
The ridiculous pictures some members have posted actually proves my point and their ignorance. No one EVER said blue eyes in a mixed race Tare means that a mixed race Tares is an Adamite. The ONLY reason those Tares you showed (Negroids, Asians, Arabs, Jews whatever) have BLUE eyes is because somehow GODS ADAMIC BLUE eyed miracle of 10,000 years ago got mixed with them through rape or fornication. Thank you for proving my point. Prior to that, all Tares had brown eyes while the PURE SEEDLINE ADAMITE DOES NOT have the brown eye gene at all. Its very simple and very obvious, unless one has brown eyes and cannot wrap his mind around it or feels left out, like I am sure many mixed Whites or others in general would feel. I can understand those human emotions, its normal.
However, anyone with the object of TRUTH can easily see that Blue Eyed people from STRICTLY Blue eyed families are different than Brown Eyed families and their family seedlines. Line up those Europeans with a “pure” generational seedline of white skin, Blond hair and blue Eyes next to the seedline of any so-called white family that has brown eyes and you will note a DRAMATIC difference from my experience. Anyone who thinks the majority of brown eyed white people in the todays world are pure Adamic seedline descendants is being very very generous and stretching the truth for possibly personal reasons.
All I hear in these writings by those with brown eyes is an excuse not to follow the Biblical ADAMIC PURE SEEDLINE in its entirety because they, like other TARES, are not included. Brown eyed whites are no different than Italians of today, a mixed breed at some point. Lets hope everyone here understands Italians, especially Southern Italians are NOT ADAMITES, they are mixed just like brown eyed white people are mixed to a lesser degree. Sometimes the facts hurt so people get upset… Oh well.
In my opinion, the Biblically pure Adamic race is Caucasian with White Skin, Blond Hair and Blue Eyes whose ENTIRE known Seedline has been that way. That is a “pure” Biblical Adamite with ZERO TARES mixed in at any point in his seedline. Any family with Brown, Green or Hazel eyes must have mixed with Tares at some point to even get the Brown eye gene in their seedline.
This article actually does separate the TARES from the WHEAT because the non pure Adamites on this forum are actually agreeing with the Jew Tare in the article….. Either one believes in the EVOLUTIONARY Mutant model this Jew Tare in the article provides for blue eyed Adamites or one believes GOD purposely made the unique Blue Eyed Adamic man roughly 10,000 years ago. Talk about the Bible coming together with DNA/Genetic evidence of Adam’s age. Wow.
Brown eyed Caucasians don’t have to worry about me because I am not out to hurt them. With that said, it would be interesting to find out who is a pure blue eyed Adamite and who is not and then compare that with how one speaks about other races or if they believe Israelites can do whatever we want to other races? Biblically speaking, pure seedline Israelites are to be a BENEFIT to all Nations of the Earth. Sometimes partial Israelites try too hard to be a pure blooded Biblical Israelite by proclaiming the same Talmudic Evils the Jew does towards other races/nations.
Ps. JamesTheJust you did exactly what Bill did, you start off saying DNA is an “infant science” and not to be trusted but then hilariously claim a few sentences later that DNA proves 100% that Brown eyed Europeans are again 100% Northern European, not 98% or 99% but 100%! I mean this is hilarious James. By the way, DNA and Genetics is as old as the BIBLE not an infant science. Any farmer today or 5000 years ago knows all about DNA and genetics. It’s not hard James and is actually the most basic fundamentals of life. Only when the Jew gets involved with his deceptions and lies will a subject matter become confusing or hard to understand.