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Discussions concerning medicine, health, Big Pharma sorcery, etc.


Postby Nayto » Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:43 am

I wasn't sure where to put this. I hope this area is appropriate.

While there is a ton of truth and value in avoiding poisons in our diet, it is not enough to ensure good health. Just like if you eat and drink poisons your body will degenerate, the same applies if you do not exercise your body.

I've gone through phases of activity and no activity in my life and I am always shocked to see how quickly my body degenerates in periods of no activity. Even at such a young age, as little as a few months can have disastrous effects. I shudder to think of the damage of not being active for years on end.

The interesting thing about the aging process is that it is exacerbated by lack of activity. If you keep your body active into old age, your body will work in such a way so as to stay active. So instead of blaming old age for aches and pains, rather blame lack of activity. My own father and step-father are both great examples of elderly men who have taken care of themselves in old age. They make youngster look bad.

The right exercise maintains your muscles, which in turn support your entire body. If muscles are weak it is easier for things to move out of place. Muscle also protects us from injury. Exercise keeps your joints maintained and healthy, so long as you're not doing long periods of endurance. It is a fantastic conduit for stress and even releases anti-stress substances in your body. It aids us in realising what our macro-nutrient requirements are. It aids in cleaning the body of toxins. It makes us more effective at physical tasks which become much more comfortable. There are probably many more reasons to exercise, but I think you get the picture.

I always rationalize it from a Scriptural perspective that if not keeping the law results in a shorter life and not exercising results in a shorter life, then exercise must be part of some moral law since before Moses even. This applies to being healthy in general.

I personally am opposed to endurance exercise and am a proponent of build strength, muscle and speed. It's where our bodies function optimally. If you look in nature, very few animals are geared for endurance and if they are they have specific traits aiding them in it. Humans have little aiding them in endurance although people force their bodies into it, but are actually a strong, powerful race when investing the right efforts. Don't let the media tell you negroes are stronger either; it is a fact that Aryans are the strongest race. Just look at the Olympics and strong man competitions. This especially applies in muscle coordination and calisthenics (look at gymnastics). It's not gook monks in mountain temples who mastered their bodies, but rather it was people like the Spartans who did.

As a final note, women are not exempt from anything I have said, although women lack the hormones to build muscle. Having said that, strength lies in the nervous system, tendons and joints as well. So don't be disheartened.

I hope to inspire my Christian Israelite kindred to get active. It's not a lot of time, but rather dedication and consistency. If you have any questions I am more than willing to help.
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Re: Exercise

Postby JamesTheJust » Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:33 pm

My motivation for staying in shape:


This may be a "final battle" scenario, but it is really more practical.

Only day before yesterday, I was called on by a 77 year old Saxon woman and her 89 year old Saxon husband, to help move some things around their house. I was glad to do it and even more thankful that I could. It required some pretty hefty lifting.

Staying healthy is good because we become helpers to those of our kin in need. In this way we fulfill the second half of THE LAW. And by doing this out of love and fear for our Father, we fulfill the first part of THE LAW.

It is a complete act and cannot be overstated. We must want to love our kinspeople as we love ourselves.

I have fallen short many times. Especially where Judeo-"X"tians are concerned.
Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, ye ransomed from the fall, hail him who saves you by his grace, and crown him Lord of all. Hail him who saves you by his grace, and crown him Lord of all.
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Re: Exercise

Postby Nayto » Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:42 am

Wonderful testimony. I agree, being healthy puts us in a position where we are ready to help our kindred.
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Re: Exercise

Postby Acrimonious » Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:19 pm

Fat people were usually likened to gluttons in days past; we should strive to strengthen our bodies. Christ was able to endure torture and crucifixion for hours and hours due to His state of physical fitness (He was a skilled carpenter, after all); shouldn't our bodies be capable of enduring the same?
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Re: Exercise

Postby Nayto » Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:04 am

I would ascribe fatness to gluttony these days too :mrgreen:

We should keep in mind that God only gave our ancestors the mana they needed; He did not tolerate eating extra.
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Re: Exercise

Postby Gallowglass » Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:28 am

Yes,Nayto,exercise is very important. Luckily,in my family there aren't fat persons,we have a slender constitution and I consider it a blessing. Now,with the exercise,you can always do in home. I used to go to a gym for about 3 months,but then I just stopped going and started workingout at home because I have the equipment to do it,but it's incomplete and that's why I used the gym.

I own a pull up bar those you put in the door frames,google for Iron Gym,is just like that one,also a barbell with 50 kg on weights (110lbs) (thinking in buying more soon) and a bench press. I don't have that much space in my house but I manage to do it anyway. I can do pull ups/chin ups (king exercise for back),bench press,squats,deadlift etc. I also go out to jog sometimes. There are many routines out there.

The key to be in shape is self discipline and many people lack that...and like JamesTheJust said, to be physically and spiritually ready when we hear the call.
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Re: Exercise

Postby Nayto » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:20 am

I personally don't use the gym at all. The only equipment I have at home is an Iron Gym. The problem with it though is that it doesnt offer much space over the bar for stuff like muscle ups. Anyway, people shouldn't think that just because they can't get to the gym they can't build strength. One can build massive strength with only a pullup bar and your own bodyweight with calisthenics. Going for a run is obviously good too as we need a good cardiovascular system.

Having said all that, there's nothing wrong with a gym so long as you're doing those traditional compound lifts like you mentioned. Most people these days just want to look good on the beach and in the swimming pool, so they isolate their muscles with machines and end up not having any real strength.
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Re: Exercise

Postby Acrimonious » Sat Aug 25, 2012 1:29 pm

Nayto wrote:I would ascribe fatness to gluttony these days too :mrgreen:

What is the matter with you? Statements like that are incredibly intolerant. :lol:

Joking aside, I have been doing calisthenics for a few years now, and recently stopped going to the gym to focus solely on calisthenics (I'll still use the elliptical occasionally for brief jogs, however). I'm already seeing a lot of progress.

I work with many overweight/obese people, and it's a real shame to see the White ones eating garbage and taking the elevator instead of the stairs. I don't care to help the non-Israelites one bit with their dieting and exercise habits, but seeing our brothers and sisters scoff at what I have to say is disheartening and indicative of a sluggish, enslaved mind.
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Re: Exercise

Postby Nayto » Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:48 am

Acrimonious wrote:What is the matter with you? Statements like that are incredibly intolerant. :lol:

Yeah, we wouldn't want to make the gluttons feel bad, would we :roll:

Having said that, I was 45lbs overweight about 2 years ago. I remember my mother saying, "Nathan, you need to lose weight, you're getting fat." How I value those words now.
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Re: Exercise

Postby Acrimonious » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:36 am

Nayto wrote:
Acrimonious wrote:What is the matter with you? Statements like that are incredibly intolerant. :lol:

Yeah, we wouldn't want to make the gluttons feel bad, would we :roll:

Having said that, I was 45lbs overweight about 2 years ago. I remember my mother saying, "Nathan, you need to lose weight, you're getting fat." How I value those words now.

I never had anyone tell me that, and I think a big trap for me was hearing over and over that I needed to eat a lot to fuel my body since I am built like my father. Your mother is a good woman.
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