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Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:28 pm
by wmfinck

Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 8:28 am
by Joe
From ... garch-jew/
In the first addition of Putins book: First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia’s President it says his mothers maiden name was Shalomovitch – which apparently is a Jewish name. Yet in the second addition, it conveniently changes to Shelomova. A cover up??

I tried to get a copy of that book and the page about his mother was removed. So we would need a first edition and then we could close the door on putin for good. If it was indeed true. But I am sure it is something that would mainly concern WN and not us.

Even then WN should recognize, objectively and without emotion, that putin is not an advocate for our people.

Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:15 am
by EzraLB
Joe wrote:I tried to get a copy of that book and the page about his mother was removed. So we would need a first edition and then we could close the door on putin for good. If it was indeed true. But I am sure it is something that would mainly concern WN and not us.

As I've pointed out before, White Nationalists suffer from this mistaken idea that someone who betrays the White race must somehow be a crypto-jew. Their "research" to prove someone's alleged jewish background is often shoddy and heavily relies on innuendo, and this "diggerforthruth" guy is no exception. I have found many of this articles wanting in conclusive facts to back up his shaky ideas.

I'm not here to defend Putin, but rather to make some important points in logic. Even if the first American edition of Putin's book does show the alternative spelling of his mother's name, it proves nothing. I've collected rare first edition books for 30 years, and what often makes them valuable is that they contain errors that escaped the editor's and proofreader's attention. These errors are called "errata". And most of them are honest errors.

So even if the spelling in the first edition was different--or more jewish--it doesn't necessarily follow that the original was correct. After all, the English version is a translation from the Russian, and the English translators (from the Cyrillic alphabet) could have made the spelling error in the first edition that was later spotted and corrected.

That said, it would be far more conclusive if you could get your hands on the first Russian edition of Putin's book, and look for the spelling of his mother's name--and then check that spelling against later Russian editions to see if that, too, was changed. If it was changed in the second Russian editions, you might have a better case that something in Putin's family ancestry has been intentionally obfuscated.

Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 11:50 am
by wmfinck
Well, like I said, I was "Just filing this stuff here so that maybe I can do a follow-up one day soon."

But I was also sort of hoping you gentlemen would help out with that as you have, thank you.

I have been active in this thread because I was debating with a pro-Putin WN (who claims to e CI but is really just an idolater) and this is the result:

No matter what I show them from the Kremlin website itself concerning the anti-White and anti-Truth, pro-jewish and pro-multiculturalist laws which have been passed with Putin's appoval, they do not believe that Putin is just another hack politician doing the will of the devils.

While I can sympathize with Joe, that maybe a "smoking gun" would help get a few WNs to think about it, if you could produce pictures of Vladimir Putin's bar mitzvah. they still would not believe.

EzraLB is right, that if Putin is jew or White neither does it really matter. What matters is what he does, because many Whites sell us out to the devil all the time.

Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:19 pm
by EzraLB
wmfinck wrote:No matter what I show them from the Kremlin website itself concerning the anti-White and anti-Truth, pro-jewish and pro-multiculturalist laws which have been passed with Putin's appoval, they do not believe that Putin is just another hack politician doing the will of the devils.

Typical pro-Putin White Nationalist logic goes something like this: Putin is eradicating ISIS, which is an Israeli front, so he can't possibly be on the side of the jews--he's working against their agenda.

The problem is that by bombing the crap out of "ISIS", Putin is accomplishing two goals of the jews: namely, he's helping to reinforce the idea that ISIS is a legitimate muslim terror organization, and he's escalating and complicating the conflict in the Middle East to the point where no one can seem to figure out what's going on. "Out of chaos comes order," as the Judeo-Masonic slogan goes, and this is what jews do best.

Some White Nationalists argue that Putin's public pandering to the jews is merely political theater, and that ultimately, when he consolidates his power even more, he will stab the jews in the back and bring down their monopoly on world power. This is merely wishful thinking. If he were to do such a thing, his fate would be sealed, and Russia would suffer the same fate as National Socialist Germany.

Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:53 pm
by wmfinck
Right, EzraLB

If Putin's public pandering to the jews was merely political theater, then the actual legislation in the Kremlin would reflect his supposedly pro-White and Christian values.

BUT since the legislation in the Kremlin reflects a submission to jewish and multicultural values, then it is really his public pandering to Christians that is merely political theater!

And there is only token legislation in the Kremlin mouthing Christian values, while none of it is really pro-White.

And his war with ISIS does only serve to legitimize ISIS. If Putin thought ISIS were Israel, as WNs assert or admit, then he would be attacking Israel, where instead he supports Israel.

All of these contradictions only show that all of these WN "leaders" are really a lot of blathering idiots. That is the crux of the issue. They have zero insight and even less vision, and are just talking heads leading astray anyone who wants to find out what is actually happening.

Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:11 pm
by Joe
Bill wrote
All of these contradictions only show that all of these WN "leaders" are really a lot of blathering idiots.

They are trying to build a house on babylon, on confusion. They let their emotion, their pride and the deception of their own hearts lead them into deceit.

Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:06 pm
by EzraLB
Israeli jews have officially branded Putin "100% Kosher", as they name him "Person Of The Year" for 2015: ... -2015.html

Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 4:24 pm
by Les

Re: A whore for the Hoax is a whore for the Jews

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 8:58 am
by EzraLB
Not only has Putin's government criminalized the obvious truth about the Holohoax, they've also re-institutionalized the official Soviet-Era assertion that the Ukrainian Holodomor was mere "Nazi Propaganda," which just so happens to be the official narrative of the ADL. ... 60345.html

Kike "professor" Mark Tauger, at West Virginia University, claims that recent uncovered documents from the Soviet Archives "prove" that the real cause of the famine that killed millions was merely the weather (read "Climate Change"). :roll:

"These studies minimize or ignore the actual harvest data, the environmental factors that caused low harvests, the repeated recovery from the famine and crop failures, the large harvests of the 1930s, the mechanization of Soviet farms in these years, Soviet population growth, and the long-term increases in food production and consumption over the Soviet period" ("Soviet Peasants and Collectivization, 1930-1939).