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The Mein Kampf Project

PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:29 pm
by wmfinck
The Mein Kampf Project at is now getting underway. Still under construction, it is nevertheless worth a visit! You will find it at

Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ Reprint Rejected...

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:28 am
by wmfinck
Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ Reprint Rejected as Bavarian Ban Upheld

This jew-loving article came from

By Brian Parkin

Aug. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Plans by German scholars to reprint Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” as an academic treatise were rejected by the state copyright holders, who said a new edition of the book could fuel support for far-right groups.

The Bavarian authorities this week reaffirmed a 64-year-old ban on the book after the Munich-based Institute of Contemporary History, or IFZ, applied for permission to reprint the work. State officials said that extremist groups could have legally promoted the book if the ban had been lifted.

“Scholarly as the aims of the institute are, we won’t lift the ban as it may play straight into the hands of the far- right,” Horst Wolf, a spokesman for the Bavarian Finance Ministry, the legal guardians of the state’s copyright, said today in an interview. “Prohibition is recognized and highly regarded by Jewish groups and we mean to keep it that way.”

Written by Hitler in 1924 as he languished in a Munich prison, Mein Kampf, or My Struggle, combines autobiography with the Nazi leader’s political manifesto. It last rolled off authorized German presses in 1945 before being banned that same year after World War II ended.

While Nazi regalia such as the Swastika are outlawed in Germany under the postwar constitution, Mein Kampf was subject to a 70-year copyright lodged with the state authorities where the book was penned. Wolf said the Bavarian authorities aim to “pass the baton on” and achieve some means of banning the book in perpetuity, once copyright expires in 2015.

Copyright Expiry Looms

Historians at the IFZ, which was set up with public funds in 1949 to document and research the Nazi era, had sought exclusive rights to repackage the work in an annotated scholarly volume and publish it ahead of potential rivals.

They received backing from Bavarian state Education Minister Wolfgang Heubisch, who said in a June 26 speech that he supported the proposal because “otherwise there’s a danger that charlatans will gain control of this shameful book.”

Bernhard Gotto, the institute’s spokesman, said he still hopes the state will lift the ban to allow a full analysis of the book.

“The work can be demystified,” Gotto said in a telephone interview today. “An analysis of the text may reveal answers to key questions such as how much Hitler copied from others and how much he stayed true to his dreadful outpourings.”

A team of historians could need three to four years to work on the book, Gotto said.

“The job is right up our street,” he said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Brian Parkin in Berlin at

Last Updated: August 4, 2009 06:10 EDT

(Just send your German friends to! - bill)

Re: The Mein Kampf Project

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:27 am
by Les
For any White Nationalist, and especially any white person who questions the controlled media and educational system's bias against Hitler, the Murphy translation of Mein Kampf is a must read book.

I've heard over the years, and even coming from the "movement" , that Hitler was not the author, the Illuminati gave it to him, and were behind his whole campaign, "hitler was a jew", etc etc blah blah blah.

Once anyone reads the untampered version, it does not matter whether or not it was ghost-written for him, the book makes sense

One main driving point in it I found to be true in my own life, when he talks about communists/socialists that he he would argue against,and demolish their statements.

The next day they would pretend that it never happened and he would have to refute EVERYTHING they said AGAIN, in order that they did not trick any decent citizens into believing their lies.

This happens everyday.
We can show what is true, and very quickly, what we said is ignored.
Our enemies, and Yahweh's enemies, are like programmed morons on auto-pilot. They have been "brain-washed", they have been believing lies for their whole lives, they are unable to think for themselves,and examine any contrary evidence.
They refuse to look as it would upset their world view.

WE Christian Identity folks, CAN look at anything. We are not afraid to look and see.

The Church Of The Creator "White Man's Bible",written by "Ben Klassen", is a piece of work alright.
This man who claimed he was raised as a Mennonite I think, TWISTS and MISQUOTES Scripture, to fit his atheistic agenda. He even uses the Talmud in order to bring about his anti-Christian view.

When I read it, I was thinking "I could write a book just about setting the record straight. He has totally lied about Christianity,and people who are rebellious and will never read The Holy Bible themselves, will be convinced by this con man."

I would talk and set things straight,and a "Creator" member would agree I was right.
The next day he forgot all that I said, and was back to quoting that damn book!

Re: The Mein Kampf Project

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:32 am
by wmfinck
Excellent assessments, Les, and absolutely true! Thank you!

Re: The Mein Kampf Project

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:11 pm
by JamesTheJust
The next day they would pretend that it never happened and he would have to refute EVERYTHING they said AGAIN, in order that they did not trick any decent citizens into believing their lies.

Funny you should mention that Les. I spent many an hour debating with Jews. (OK, so I was stupid) This is exactly how they are. Perhaps this is the reason we are simply to rebuke the devil and his children and move along. It does no good and serves no useful purpose to debate a Jew.

Re: The Mein Kampf Project

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:37 am
by wmfinck
Right! See how well Satan has them trained? It is more incredible, how people of Yahweh can be so totally brainwashed by the enemies of Yahweh!

Re: The Mein Kampf Project

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:19 am
by Obadiah18
I have to sing your praises, Bill. When I first heard you mention the MKP, I thought it would probably be nothing more than a post of the actual book along with a few articles you'd written about it. I had no idea that you would cover the historic tome and the events surrounding it so exhaustively.

I grew up believing that Hitler was a psychopathic sexual degenerate who was as far removed from Christianity as a fallen angel. Whenever I read something about him in a newspaper or in a magazine, the author of the piece would always mention Hitler's predilection for perversion. One common claim was that he loved to be humiliated sexually and would get Eva Braun to urinate in his face. Scatology and a falsehood, now there's a jewish daily double for you.

I've read some of Mein Kampf before, but not all of it. From the excerpts you've quoted in the first two podcasts I've listened to thus far, there can be no doubt that Hitler was a devout Christian who acted in accordance with his Bible-founded beliefs. This was something that was disputed on an almost daily basis in VNNF when I used to post there. Some people would accuse him of being a jew, or a pagan, or a puppet of the Wall Street jew bankers. It never ended.

What jews fear more than anything is a racial reawakening amongst white people combined with a spiritual reawakening. One without the other won't bring about their prophesied extinction, but the two together will. Hitler embodied both those things, which is why they demonize him so assiduously. They can't afford not to.

Re: The Mein Kampf Project

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:34 am
by Steve
Here's an interesting little article: ... p.002.html

Re: The Mein Kampf Project

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:41 pm
by matthewott
Excellent article. Thank you Steve.

Re: The Mein Kampf Project

PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:26 am
by Steve
This is what brainwashed Americans and Europeans faught against: