Let me remind you of the words of Don Negro, clown in chief of jewfront;
Let's clear this up now. This guy may be a divisive nut, but that's the nature of the religion forums. That's the reason I shut them down completely for two years in 2001, and that's the reason I now keep them hidden from guests.
He might even be a Jew, but he's never said that. Kludd's declaration isn't proof, any more than than this guy calling Kludd a Rabbi is proof (though I wouldn't think CI would take offense at the term, believing they are the true Israel).
He hasn't kept his identity a secret. He really is a practicing psychiatrist with an impressive academic resume, but he's not the only one I've known in our circles. So he's free to come back and refute my characterization of him, but I doubt he will, since his stated purpose in coming here was to post in CI.
And, yeah, I know. I've rebelled against the will of Yahveh. Or I've abandoned our European ancestral Gods. Or I've sold out to "Christ-insanity." Whatever your thing, keep it in the asylum.
Is there any justification by a true Christian to support a guy who writes "Yahveh, an obvious attempt to make God's name sound like the jewish "oi vey", who refers to Christians as "divisive nuts" and who calls a CI discussion forum an "asylum" and also mocked Pastor Downey?
I ask this question in all seriousness as I've had to confront one high-level SF member recently about this. What are your thoughts?