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If I edit your articles to break your links

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If I edit your articles to break your links

Postby wmfinck » Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:05 pm

It is only because I do not want the search engines to move a particular site up in the rankings because we link to it, and yes, that is how it works even if it is sometimes hard to notice. I will generally only put spaces in the links - people who really want to go there can copy the text and take them out.

I would appreciate it more if board members were discerning about what they linked, and took the time to act accordingly. However I am understanding, especially because in the past I have not been discerning enough about links. So please do not interpret this as a complaint, but only as a notice.

Thank you!
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Re: If I edit your articles to break your links

Postby wmfinck » Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:41 am

Of course, links to news articles, mainstream media and respectable websites are fine. Links to other forums are also acceptable. I only hope for discretion by not linking to those who hate us. The Novemberites, the clowns at VNN, others who despise Christian Identity, those places for my part I would prefer that we show discretion and not promote our enemies.
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Re: If I edit your articles to break your links

Postby matthewott » Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:50 pm

I certainly agree and pray our brethren here fully understand ;)
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