Phone StatusChat Statusulyponce
2010-03-14 - 15:56:51 GMT
good morning,hope Eli set his clock
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 15:57:22 GMT
he did, he was on pastor Dans earlier.
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 15:57:57 GMT
goodmorning praise Yahweh
Phone StatusChat StatusMarkSharon
2010-03-14 - 15:59:50 GMT
One day closer to the Kingdom. Good Morning
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:00:07 GMT
Amen Sharon
Phone StatusChat StatusWiscLL
2010-03-14 - 16:00:19 GMT
Amen! Good morning
Phone StatusChat StatusMarkSharon
2010-03-14 - 16:00:27 GMT
Anytime Gorman
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:00:52 GMT
Maybe Eli's having trouble with his computer again
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 6
2010-03-14 - 16:01:00 GMT
Yup- here for another day- Praise Yahweh,
Phone StatusChat StatusWiscLL
2010-03-14 - 16:01:19 GMT
Maybe he forgot the time change
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 16:02:35 GMT
Good morning all! Happy day light savings time!
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:03:01 GMT
morning Joel
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 16:03:14 GMT
greetings from nw pa
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:03:25 GMT
not that happy about daylight savings
Phone StatusChat Statusulyponce
2010-03-14 - 16:03:25 GMT
daylight until 7 p.m. it's all good
Phone StatusChat StatusWiscLL
2010-03-14 - 16:03:26 GMT
Good Morning, Joel
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 6
2010-03-14 - 16:03:44 GMT
No- he was on the chat with Pastor Dan this morning- so must be the computer
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 9
2010-03-14 - 16:03:48 GMT
Good afternoon and praise Yah everyone
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:06:18 GMT
Following the 1973 oil embargo, the U.S. Congress extended Daylight Saving Time to 8 months, rather than the normal six months
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:06:20 GMT
morning Bill!
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 16:06:26 GMT
hello Bill
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:06:29 GMT
Hello Everybody]
Phone StatusChat StatusMarkSharon
2010-03-14 - 16:06:38 GMT
Bill maybe you need to remote into Eli's computer
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:06:46 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 16:06:55 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:06:57 GMT
Yeah, maybe Eli should not have bought a Mac!
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:07:26 GMT
he got a MAC??
Phone StatusChat StatusMarkSharon
2010-03-14 - 16:07:27 GMT
I thought only graphic designers bought macs
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:07:40 GMT
Well, he listened to Skip, LOL
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:07:47 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:07:51 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:08:09 GMT
better off with a TRS-80
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:08:09 GMT
Bill is here so I guess today's show is ok
Phone StatusChat StatusPastor Eli James
2010-03-14 - 16:08:12 GMT
Hello, Saints.
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:08:17 GMT
hi there, Eli!
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:08:18 GMT
LOL, Kent
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:08:22 GMT
morning Eli!
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:08:24 GMT
Afternoon Eli
Phone StatusChat StatusWeThePeople
2010-03-14 - 16:08:25 GMT
Just called ELI. He'll be here asap
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 16:08:31 GMT
hi Eli
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 16:08:37 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusPastor Eli James
2010-03-14 - 16:08:39 GMT
I hope Pastor Visser is ready. I'll call him right now.
Phone StatusChat Statusulyponce
2010-03-14 - 16:08:43 GMT
anybody hear what rep. massa called rahm?
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:09:03 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:09:10 GMT
would not surprise me what foul words the jew used
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:09:14 GMT
Yes, Uly, I saved that one
Phone StatusChat StatusWiscLL
2010-03-14 - 16:09:25 GMT
Yes, I did, Uly. Right ON.
Phone StatusChat Statusulyponce
2010-03-14 - 16:09:37 GMT
finally some truth in the papers
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:09:39 GMT
have link ulyponce?
Phone StatusChat StatusPastor Eli James
2010-03-14 - 16:09:51 GMT
Just called Pastor Visser. We are both calling in now.
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:10:00 GMT
does everyone have the sound of silence?
Phone StatusChat Statusulyponce
2010-03-14 - 16:10:01 GMT
no bruce
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:10:10 GMT
yes, seven
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:10:44 GMT
all things to all
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:10:45 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 5
2010-03-14 - 16:11:02 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 5
2010-03-14 - 16:11:10 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:11:22 GMT
Eli you should not have bought that Commodore
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 6
2010-03-14 - 16:11:41 GMT - 1024-bit RSA encryption cracked by carefully s
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:11:44 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:11:44 GMT
Click here to find out more! Your request is being processed... Eric Massa: Rahm Emanuel Is The 'Son Of The Devil's Spawn,' Lobbied Me In S
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:11:47 GMT
it lets jew banks stay open an extra hour
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 5
2010-03-14 - 16:11:57 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:12:09 GMT
so true
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 13
2010-03-14 - 16:12:34 GMT
John Waterman here
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:13:23 GMT
hi John
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 13
2010-03-14 - 16:13:32 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:14:26 GMT
I used to be bored with all the "begats" buy now I love to read them!! They prove racial purity of our precious seedline!
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:14:49 GMT
Our Geneology Book
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:15:49 GMT
bad seeds cannot bring forth good fruit
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 16:16:52 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusulyponce
2010-03-14 - 16:17:05 GMT
no political solution for evil
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:18:47 GMT
ok back
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 16
2010-03-14 - 16:20:35 GMT
guest test
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:20:36 GMT
what scripture is this?
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:20:57 GMT
genesis 1:12
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 7
2010-03-14 - 16:21:12 GMT
Every time Rahm rolls the dices, they come up snake eyes
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:21:46 GMT
lol good ol' R.E.
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 16:22:03 GMT
genesis 3:15
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:22:18 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:22:29 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:22:38 GMT
Hello everyone
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 16:22:46 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 16
2010-03-14 - 16:23:18 GMT
who is Eli talking with?
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:23:25 GMT
Pastor Vissar
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 16
2010-03-14 - 16:23:33 GMT
k tnks
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:23:33 GMT
Hi Clay
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:24:46 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:25:25 GMT
eating our dust
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 16:25:32 GMT
typical jew instigated violence
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:26:02 GMT
Romans 16:20
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:26:45 GMT
that one scripture explained so much in understanding the 2sl message
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:27:10 GMT
Oh, Clay Douglas, the Paul-bashing idiot
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:27:25 GMT
I have been waiting for this moron
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:27:43 GMT
You got me here you rude SOB
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:27:46 GMT
Clay, are you still a jew-loving Paul-Basher, or have you repented?
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 16:28:12 GMT
get him Bill
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:28:26 GMT
I am a reporter and a publisher and I have allowed others to air their definaition and conclusions.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:28:50 GMT
I am not talking about the words of others, I am talking about YOUR words
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:29:18 GMT
I suggest you check out
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:29:23 GMT
I have written a book with Eli. What have you done, Finck? Perfect name
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:29:46 GMT
I have written quite a bit more than a book with Eli
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:29:59 GMT
Good for you.
Phone StatusChat StatusPastor Eli James
2010-03-14 - 16:30:01 GMT
Hey, no debating in the chatroom!! Hehe!
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:31:00 GMT
I challenge you directly at
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:31:16 GMT
why don't you go read my dismantlibg of your Paul-bashing
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:31:18 GMT
anyone that uses the word idiot isn't going to impress me
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:31:27 GMT
then we can discuss it one day
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:31:58 GMT
and I have no idea who you are
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:32:14 GMT
I ran an article in my magazine on this subject eight years ago. And you want to pick a fight with me iver one article in 16 years that you disagree w
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:32:19 GMT
All Paul-bashers are jew toilet-tissue and whores for satan
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:32:19 GMT
not becoming to you William
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:32:44 GMT
Douglas, you still profess the things in that article
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:33:05 GMT
You are a liar
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:33:33 GMT
Watermnan, if you expect a Christians to act like sissy church-boys, well, that is the attitude that got our race into this mess
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:33:42 GMT
Douglas, I have witnesses
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:34:02 GMT
I'm just saying it reflects your intelligence
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:34:04 GMT
Recant your Paul-bashing publicly, if I am a liar
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 16:34:16 GMT
everyone enjoying the boxing match lol
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:34:36 GMT
Waterman, you have no idea of my intelligence - idiot is a word found inb the Greek of the Bible!
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:34:41 GMT
and I doubt you know me enough to know anything I think
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:34:42 GMT
some things are hard to understand, which those who are unlearned and unstable pervert, as also the rest of the writings of Paul to their own destruct
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:34:47 GMT
2 Peter 3:16
Phone StatusChat StatusMarkSharon
2010-03-14 - 16:34:51 GMT
John, I don't any regular here would ever question Bill's intelligence.
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:34:58 GMT
I work with Eli to get a better understanding of the Bible. Not to argue with someone like you.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:35:05 GMT
You just told me what you think!
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 16:35:28 GMT
waterman and douglas must be buddies
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:35:42 GMT
Douglas, you ran your mouth for 3 Paul-bashing articles covering a couple of dozen pages, and NOW you want to understand the Bible?
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:35:44 GMT
take Paul's writing's out of scripture and the rest of the bible makes NO SENSE
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:35:48 GMT
I do not expect christians to be sissies is what I was referring to
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:35:49 GMT
RECANT your articles!
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:36:00 GMT
Wm give it up
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:36:06 GMT
When Bill wants your oppinion he'll give it to you you should all know that by now.
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:36:09 GMT
Yea Clay, where do you stand?
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:36:13 GMT
Screw you Finck.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:36:36 GMT
oh, I am the unintelligent one, LOL
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:37:06 GMT
What do you have against Paul Clay?
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:37:07 GMT
Douglas, you are scum on the bathweater of the jews
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:37:14 GMT
You are if you think your demands have any effect or influence me.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:37:18 GMT
I really don't give a rip whether your intellegent or not william
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 16:37:25 GMT
Whites with blue eyes were driven out of the southern latitudes. They did not mutate to blue eyes after they arrived in the north.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:37:44 GMT
Waterman, I don't give a rip about you period
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 17
2010-03-14 - 16:37:45 GMT
Since paul was under house arrest or in prison he wrote some of his message using double entendres to get by the censors. If you knew the law you can
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:37:57 GMT
The Jews have been on my case for 20 years. They are the enemy, not me.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:38:02 GMT
and where is that in the bible william
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:38:03 GMT
Afternoon William
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 17
2010-03-14 - 16:38:04 GMT
understand his message
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 17
2010-03-14 - 16:38:50 GMT
IMHO this is why there is so much confusion about Paul. sm
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:39:05 GMT
Hello, Southbend
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:39:56 GMT
Anyone who bashes Paul is a whore for the jews, they were the first Paul-bashers
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:40:18 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:40:28 GMT
Douglas, do you really know what John Spong stands for, you quote him glowingly and at length
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:40:30 GMT
BILL...I have been meaning to call you, sorry about being busy. I am late now because of the time change.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:40:31 GMT
anything else you want to get off your chest
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:40:46 GMT
Yes and I also call anyone who bashes Paul a whore for the jews
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 16:40:47 GMT
Pastor Eli James - the CAZZOlic Church is hypocritical at best - in 1975, at the Helsinki Talks, she declared that Europe was her only primary concern
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:41:12 GMT
this must be group therapy
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:41:14 GMT
I don't know who John Spong is.
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 16:41:44 GMT
John Sponge
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:41:52 GMT
Spong is a rwace-mixing civil rights marcher and the first Epicoplaian to ordain fags, I want to know why Douglas considers him an authority on Christ
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:41:53 GMT
John Spong is an Episcapalean Queer minister promoter and Paul Basher
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:42:06 GMT
Well, Clayton?
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 16:42:12 GMT
not much of a punishment for a snake to continue being a snake, they really do like being snakes
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:42:21 GMT
Never heard of him so I doubt that I could quote him
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:42:28 GMT
Why do you consider a homo and a race-mixer to be an authority on the Bible?
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:42:47 GMT
You quoted him at length and I have your articles to prove it
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 16:42:49 GMT
Seems to me its- "By way of deception thou shalt do war.'
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:43:13 GMT
william you keep saying that so tell when Clay did that "exactly"
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:43:22 GMT
I have facsimiles of your Free American magazine to prove it, Clayton: you quoted a faggot and gloated over it
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:43:32 GMT
william give me a quote
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:43:34 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:43:42 GMT
All the details are on my website
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:43:52 GMT
Issue & page \
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:43:54 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:44:01 GMT
I don't know what you are talking about. I dealt with the issue of Paul being a Pharasee and trying to ckill the followers of Christ over8 years ago
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:44:18 GMT
Issue and page numbers, dates & titles of articles are all there
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:44:19 GMT
not interested in you lousy website william just quote it here
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:44:45 GMT
Waterman, I am going to bitch-slap you if I ever see you
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 16:44:49 GMT
Testing, Testing one two three
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:44:51 GMT
I did not write the article and I also gave Texe Marrs the pages to respond.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:44:53 GMT
never happen
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:45:00 GMT
better have a black belt
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:45:08 GMT
yea, JohnWaterman the CLOWN
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:45:14 GMT
Douglas, you put your name on it as if you wrote it!
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:45:19 GMT
T ry doing that to me. I am in Tucson'
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 16:45:21 GMT
That was Ted Bundy. John Wayne Gacy dressed up as a clown. Bundy was a jew for sure. Gacy was probably a polish jew.
Phone StatusChat StatusMarkSharon
2010-03-14 - 16:45:25 GMT
Is Waterman an extension of Clay. It seems that way
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:45:29 GMT
in fact I would rather enjoy you trying to do that
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:45:32 GMT
he knows all about bitches :)
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 16:45:33 GMT
waterman take your jew ass somewhere else
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:45:53 GMT
bubdy was jewish?
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:45:56 GMT
speaks the man with an arse like a clowns pocket ;)
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:45:57 GMT
not a jew I'm scottish
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:45:57 GMT
there are clowns in here Eli
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:45:59 GMT
The enemy is always telling us to be intolerant as they practice intolerance against us
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:46:01 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:46:01 GMT
we are a very naive race, far too benovolent to other races
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:46:09 GMT
ater all that TIME lol
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:46:10 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 6
2010-03-14 - 16:46:11 GMT
Would think Mr Bundy was an Edomite!!!
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:46:30 GMT
Eli cracking the whip!!
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:46:36 GMT
the enemy is always telling us to be tolerant as they practice intolerance against us
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:46:44 GMT
well said, Randy
Phone StatusChat StatusMarkSharon
2010-03-14 - 16:47:16 GMT
Jerel you've not missed a thing don't worry about it
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:47:27 GMT
A PERFECT EXAMPLE are Paul Bashers!
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:47:28 GMT
money is the root of all eveil
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:47:44 GMT
crafty serpents, they even look like us, just as the serpent adopted the form of Adam to seduce Eve, they are still doing this today
Phone StatusChat StatusJerel
2010-03-14 - 16:47:48 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 16:47:51 GMT
Spree kilers like Dylan Klebold are always jews. And they always kill on passover. (Columbine)
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:47:57 GMT
Praise Yahweh
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:48:27 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusMarkSharon
2010-03-14 - 16:48:31 GMT
Jerel never a dull moment. It's been lively
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:48:36 GMT
right, Joel. You never hear about Klebold and the other kid, they were both kikes
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:48:39 GMT
change? obama likes change LOL
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:48:40 GMT
I say he was...
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 16:48:41 GMT
Joel, most of those shooters are on psytropic drugs
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:48:59 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:49:08 GMT
In fact i would say he was everybodys biotch in jail
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:49:21 GMT
Big as in well hung :)
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:49:36 GMT
daveUK, your are a bitter whining little idiot
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:49:49 GMT
or big in diameter
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:50:00 GMT
you should have died in jail sucker
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 16:50:07 GMT
Pastor Eli James - i see that no one knows about genetics of the near future ... i mean ano-epi- genetics, not just the new discovered epi-genetics
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:50:10 GMT
You would have
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:50:14 GMT
where do all these clowns come from Bill?
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:50:14 GMT
this is church
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:50:20 GMT
rid us of your arrogant BS
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:50:28 GMT
The communist, divide and conquer
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:50:31 GMT
No I wouldnt
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 16:50:32 GMT
lets try to keep the bad talk out of this service please
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:50:53 GMT
dave, you are a hypocritical whiner
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 16:50:54 GMT
i agree with Bob
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:51:07 GMT
the government agents cant help themselves, they are the agents of disruption
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 16:51:14 GMT
thanks greg not the time for this
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:51:34 GMT
I am not going to countenance a Paul-basher without telling him exactly how I feel, and I will face him any time
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:51:36 GMT
Time to tell this self appointed scribe to walk, he has utterly monoploized this movement with his garbage
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:51:55 GMT
what have I appointed?
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 16:52:01 GMT
<daveUK> i reach your mind ... others here don't
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 16:52:07 GMT
DaveUK I can't believe you would use Language such as that!!!
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:52:10 GMT
I'm not referring to you, Bill
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:52:11 GMT
william is a agent of the beast system stirring up crap
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:52:22 GMT
Some christian who threatens anyone who opposes his mediocre theories
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:52:30 GMT
your a moron John
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:52:44 GMT
and bruce you are his lackey
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:52:52 GMT
LOL snakes can talk, give it a try Eli LOL
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:52:56 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 16:52:59 GMT
i dont see that with bill, waterman, and my eyes are indeed wide open
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:53:05 GMT
I am Clay Douglas. I helped form the Militia and started the Free American in 1994. Go to Listen to my shows
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:53:10 GMT
Dave, stop being a little whining cry baby because you cant have your way, BTW i though you said you were not going to be coming back here?
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:53:11 GMT
Bill needs to open all the shows so he can delete people
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:53:17 GMT
Cant keep to your woord?
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 16:53:19 GMT
<JohnWaterman> you should call yourself "JohnUrineman"
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 16:53:52 GMT
John, you need to realize that we agree with most of what William says, and were not jews or agents.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:54:10 GMT
Douglas, you are a Pual-basher: if you do not know what you are talking about, why do you still bash Paul?
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:54:12 GMT
Listen to my shows and my guests. They all have different opinions.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:54:30 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:54:45 GMT
No, Douglas, you wrote those articles, and you are still bashing Paul on Skype conferences
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:54:52 GMT
william is obsessive
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:54:53 GMT
ARE WE interested in the opinions of men?
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:54:57 GMT
The enemy is being exposed like never before, they will try stop us at any cost
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:55:11 GMT
You are all liars and frauds to a man, and I use the word man advisedly. Low IQ working class frauds
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 16:55:20 GMT
Bill Finck tells truth and if you dont see it there is no truth in you
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:55:22 GMT
I have not said anything about Paul except in an interview in the form of a question to Eli in over ten years. The Jews tried to kill me after 9-11.
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:55:36 GMT
William, In my book, you are a good guy, delivering Yahwehs message to his people. I can not stay and listen with all these A**es here today,
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 16:55:45 GMT
just focus on Yahweh
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:55:58 GMT
It is more frustrating than anything, I will try and give you a call later this afternoon.
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 16:55:59 GMT
Clay Douglas could have been Howard Stern if he wanted to be a sell out. Clay Douglas is loyal to Christianity no matter the personal cost.
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 16:56:04 GMT
Does your book come with a free pack of crayons?
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 16:56:12 GMT
<JohnWaterman> no matter your opinion of Paul, you are a product of Paul, unless you are a negro, or chinese, etc
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:56:17 GMT
Well, the focus should be on the program, but I had to let Douglas know that he had a problem here, it is not all a love-fest
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 16:56:18 GMT
daveuk, you are a fraud, at least we spend time on these programs, you dont. you come here and spread your crap without any evidence.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:56:28 GMT
don't worry about it Clay it is obvious they just want to be trouble makers since they have insulted me and have no idea who I am.. I'm not impressed
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:56:29 GMT
Eli, there are a few clogs in the talk that bash the one vessel that brought light to many of the passages
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 23
2010-03-14 - 16:56:33 GMT
daveUK needs to wash his ass as well as his mouth because he stinks
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:56:42 GMT
Hello Skip/ You will be on my show tomorrow
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 16:56:44 GMT
dave, you were friendly 'til the 'day before yesterday' - what the hell happened?
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:56:51 GMT
Who you are? I am not a respecter of persons
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:57:05 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:57:29 GMT
If i stay I will end up letting some rather unpleasant things come from my mouth, and I would rather not stoop to thier level today.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:57:37 GMT
so william what have you done for Israel?
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 16:57:37 GMT
A satyr would be like Rahm Emmanuel or Joe Biden (Jacob Badenov).
Phone StatusChat StatusSouthbendw1
2010-03-14 - 16:57:49 GMT
Good afternoon my KINSFOLK!
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:57:53 GMT explains itself
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 16:58:08 GMT
Pastor Eli James - kanassat???? = knesset????
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:58:09 GMT
more in one day then you've done in your lifetime JW
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:58:38 GMT
Skip Baker has contributed his art to my site His website is linked on my site
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 16:58:40 GMT
you are ill informed bruce
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 16:58:50 GMT
Some ppl take advantage of this conflict!!
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 16:59:21 GMT
I am right, you are wrong.... period, on this matter, you are a slanderer
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 6
2010-03-14 - 16:59:29 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 16:59:34 GMT
I came here to hear Eli and I was attacked for an article I did not write over ten years ago.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:59:46 GMT
EXACTLY Pastor Visser!!!
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 16:59:59 GMT
Douglas, you wrote the article - 3 of them
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 17:00:09 GMT
waterman if youre scottish you must have some edomite mixed in
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:00:11 GMT
I have the facsimiles
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:00:12 GMT
hey Clay they insult me and have no idea who I am so don't worry about it
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:00:19 GMT
I have written a lot of article.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:00:29 GMT
@who I am@ does not matter one bit
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:00:45 GMT
Send me what you are referring to.
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 17:00:57 GMT
JohnWaterman they insult everyone, thats the idea, drive away inquiry and those who seek. Frauds and decievers all.
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:01:08 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusPastor Eli James
2010-03-14 - 17:01:11 GMT
Insults will never achieve mutual understanding. Please keep the discussion to facts!
Phone StatusChat StatusMarkSharon
2010-03-14 - 17:01:13 GMT
JohnW, remember you inserted yourself into this argument
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:01:21 GMT
December, 2003 and January, 2004 issues, and written by Clayton R. Douglas
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:01:27 GMT
amen to that pastor eli
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 6
2010-03-14 - 17:01:50 GMT
Bill- why do we not leave it as that- send your stuff to Clay and let him respond and lets leave it as that today. Please- enough of this.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:01:51 GMT
yes mark I did but that does not mean they know me enough to say what they have about me
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:01:58 GMT
it was SEX!!!!!!!!!!
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 6
2010-03-14 - 17:02:00 GMT
Please do not ruin this show.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:02:04 GMT
in fact they don't know me
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:02:11 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:02:32 GMT
All the information concerning the articles I cite is found at December, 2003 and January, 2004 issues, and written by Clayton R. Douglas
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:03:05 GMT
OK, Let It slide people
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:03:06 GMT
All the information concerning the articles I cite is found at and they are reproduced at
Phone StatusChat StatusJerel
2010-03-14 - 17:03:09 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:03:34 GMT
I might have addressed that issue ten years ago. Love to see what I had to say then.
Phone StatusChat StatusDickinRedDeer
2010-03-14 - 17:03:37 GMT
But Yahweh told Joseph before ...did he not?
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:03:39 GMT
Waterman, I don't give a damned if you were the King of Siam
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:03:48 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:03:51 GMT
The Arguing
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:04:04 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:04:16 GMT
Douglas, three articles bashing Paul, and your memory is awfully sketchy
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:04:31 GMT
william the point has gone over you head , which is you don't know me enough to assume anything about me
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:04:32 GMT
You want to see more recent articles go to or
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:04:40 GMT
how do you spell argue-ing??
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:04:59 GMT
without the e
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 24
2010-03-14 - 17:05:09 GMT
This chatroom sucks today- will just sit in my chair and listen.Stuff like this turns off allot of people who want to listen in.
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:05:10 GMT
I know your a slanderer JW
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:05:11 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:05:14 GMT
In the Aramaic, "Paul says that Adam was not seduced, Eve was seduced and transgressed the commandment".
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:05:31 GMT
nice website Free American
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:05:39 GMT
your welcome Bruce
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:05:50 GMT
Dr. Waterman and Eli James have both been guests on my show. How many talk shows out there give Christian Identity or the Militia a fair shot to reach
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:05:50 GMT
Giving people a pass when they quote homosexual civil rights advocates as authorities on the bible is not something that I can do
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:05:52 GMT
it is pretty distracting to what we are trying to accomplish today
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:06:17 GMT
If I do not confront it, I share in their guilt!
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:06:41 GMT
Good reasoning on being a jerk
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 17:06:50 GMT
ty for fighting for truth, Bill!
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:07:07 GMT
Douglas, if you do not like it, that is just tough
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:07:14 GMT
I thank Skip Baker for his art.
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:07:34 GMT
yeah Skip does good art
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:07:42 GMT
If you don't like me, that is a compliment.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:07:44 GMT
If this is not the fawning love-fest you expected, deal with it
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 17:07:55 GMT
I have no respect for these Finck bashers
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:07:57 GMT
You are still a Paul-basher, are you not?
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:07:58 GMT
He only mimmicks YAHWEHS creation
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:08:13 GMT
No. I am not.
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:08:18 GMT
In the Aramaic, Paul says that "Adam was not seduced, Eve was seduced and transgressed the commandment".
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:08:31 GMT
OK Now its OVER
Phone StatusChat StatusPastor Eli James
2010-03-14 - 17:08:31 GMT
Why don't you guys compare your current postions, Bill and Clay?
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:08:42 GMT
guest 14 I have a question for you
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:08:54 GMT
I do that everyday on my show and my site
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:08:57 GMT
My only Art Hero is YAHWEH! and vessels like Bill who don't compromise scripture
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 25
2010-03-14 - 17:09:01 GMT
I am now looking at this download
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:09:01 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:09:01 GMT
Well, then a statement on your site recanting your articles would go a long way towards some sort of reconciliation
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:09:01 GMT
so how did Adam fall what did he do?
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 17
2010-03-14 - 17:09:08 GMT
Some of those Edomites were Shelanites mixed in from Judah;s half breed son who are still trying to claim birthright
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:09:44 GMT
I will give YOU nothing
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 25
2010-03-14 - 17:09:56 GMT
i give you THIS :)
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:10:06 GMT
14, Paul wrote in Greek. Adam fell when he accepted Eve
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:10:06 GMT
Like Bill Finck says, he accepted Eve.
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:10:12 GMT
<JohnWaterman> perhaps Adam committed or allow to commit on yourself "ARSENO-COITUS"
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:10:16 GMT
anything where they don't really have to sweat or work,oh i forgot pigs don't sweat
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 17:10:23 GMT
It says in the O.T. a jew cannot perspire and he has to go around all day in white linen. That's why they fantasize themselves a work elite.
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:10:39 GMT
<JohnWaterman> ON HIMSELF
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:11:15 GMT
We deserve the punishment too!
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:11:49 GMT
Bill, I just wanted to point out that the Aramaic says seduced instead of deceived.
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:11:54 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:11:57 GMT
Hi brethren
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 17:12:10 GMT
Hi Matthew
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:12:19 GMT
I draw my sword against the jewish false book
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:12:23 GMT
right, 14, the word can be translated "seduced"
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:12:27 GMT
even from the Greek
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:12:31 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:12:37 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:12:59 GMT
even though my own translation does not have it that way, iyt is explained in my notes
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:13:00 GMT
so question for you william... a real question was adam seduced as eve was?
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:13:24 GMT
No, Adam voluntarily and consciously made his decision
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:13:41 GMT
which is why Eve was seduced, and Adam was not - he knew what he was doing
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:14:00 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 17:14:14 GMT
the jews always attack the man through the woman
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:14:26 GMT
that was my thought too....
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 17
2010-03-14 - 17:14:32 GMT
Esau and Shelah of Judah
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 17:14:35 GMT
nothing has changed today
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:14:35 GMT
exactly mackdog
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:14:38 GMT
i believe eve was deceived more than seduced, whereas adam fell to his temptations
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:15:00 GMT
ADAM committed or committed unto him "APOPISSO"
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:15:08 GMT
seduction is sexual deception
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:15:33 GMT
actually bob this whole discussion is unremarkable unless Eve was seduced so I'm believe she was literally seduced
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:15:34 GMT
it never will either
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:15:38 GMT
Douglas, if I knew you were no longer a Paul-basher, I weould apologize for going so hard on you, but I do not know, because you have not recanted tho
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:15:51 GMT
recanted those articles
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:15:52 GMT
turn the other cheeck already
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:15:58 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:16:12 GMT
I think you should recant those articles, so that there is no longer such confusion!
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:16:18 GMT
The Genesis account makes it sound like Adam committed the same sin as Eve, but Paul states it differently, obviously he knew something.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:16:27 GMT
And if you ever want to discuss it civilly, I would be glas to
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 17:17:14 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:17:18 GMT
they were never in bondage to any man?
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:17:20 GMT
But you DID publish three such articles in your name, and I have the facsimiles
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:17:36 GMT
and daveUK, be happy I can never visit England
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 17:18:01 GMT
No im very sad, actually I would love to meet you:)
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:18:08 GMT
because I would bring that little girl in you out real quick
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:18:18 GMT
I presented both sides of the question. Both views. I do not have a closed mind and I would be happy to discuss the question, based on your research..
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:18:21 GMT
meaning the jews were not bound in Egypt
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:18:22 GMT
Hail one, Hail all!
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:18:30 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:18:34 GMT
Hi Obadiah
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 17:18:36 GMT
And how would dadda do that ?
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:18:48 GMT
I have the articles, Douglas you are not being true
Phone StatusChat StatusDanielintheDen
2010-03-14 - 17:18:49 GMT
what verses reading from?
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:18:50 GMT
Hey Matthew, how are you kinsman?
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:19:01 GMT
genesis 3
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:19:03 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:19:03 GMT
Hanging in there my brother
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:19:07 GMT
I just said I would give you an hour to present YOUR conclusions on my show.
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:19:14 GMT
<daveUK> i have always liked England
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:19:22 GMT
Lets hang together, so we dont hang separately
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:19:30 GMT
and can't say I like england lol
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:19:32 GMT
I published an article by Texw Marrs defending Paul
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 25
2010-03-14 - 17:19:32 GMT
why does daveuk shows like this,& in his profiule,he said he was going to stop visiting us
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:19:42 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusDanielintheDen
2010-03-14 - 17:19:49 GMT
no...the verses being read on the show
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:20:03 GMT
dave, crawl back into your bottle
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:20:27 GMT
John Waterman doesnt like england--the empire that we have the honor of being descended from
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:20:28 GMT
according to most judeo christians all you have to do to be saved is to do the same thing the demons do, believe that Christ is Christ
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 17:20:30 GMT
Please die soon
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:20:39 GMT
Douglas, I will consider doing that, we can always get in touch through Eli
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 17:20:43 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:20:47 GMT
daveUK, I would never wish that on you
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:20:56 GMT
My phone numbers are on my site
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:21:00 GMT
I die daily!
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:21:01 GMT
I will be here a long time - deal with it
Phone StatusChat StatusdaveUK
2010-03-14 - 17:21:14 GMT
I think not :)
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:21:18 GMT
dave...I'm astounded
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 17:21:23 GMT
I pray for that Bill
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:21:33 GMT
thanks Ferlin
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 17:21:47 GMT
yw Bill
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:22:09 GMT
But they cannot change where the adjective is translated @ruddy@ in the KJV in several places
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:22:18 GMT
i agree, bill has done wonders with the scriptures and i am thankful to him for that
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:22:31 GMT
My guest list is on my site. I have days open in April. How about the first? I think that would be appropriate.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:22:36 GMT
darn, my XP keyboard is not mapping well to this Linux box the talkshoe is on
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:22:43 GMT
I agree bob
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:22:45 GMT
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 17:22:52 GMT
Bill is indeed a Prophet
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:22:52 GMT
I will pass on the first
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:23:07 GMT
no! I woiuld not claim so!
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:23:10 GMT
The rest are open rright now.
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 25
2010-03-14 - 17:23:13 GMT
seems like the one who thinks more highly of himself, has been reduced to childish behaviour. daveuk,you do know there ARE other CI folks to talk to?
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 17:23:34 GMT
Bill is the best out trere
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:23:44 GMT
I will go look it over tonight and get back to you
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:23:49 GMT
<daveUK> all my life in Canada i have worked with English people ... none of them American ... and i like it
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:23:53 GMT
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 17:23:58 GMT
you have no need to claim so
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:24:19 GMT
the judeos would be trying to save Cain!
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:24:25 GMT
lol fausto...we Americans love you too!
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:24:26 GMT
study to show yourselves approved of YAHWEH
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:24:37 GMT
exactly greg
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:24:59 GMT
be not children in understanding]
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:25:00 GMT
Don't rely on anyone for the truth, go study yourself
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:25:00 GMT
daveUK, you are whining abount being banned from my forum, that is because you wanted to be deleted with your posts
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:25:04 GMT
<Matthew Ott> i know that ... thank you very much ... but that was my random life
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:25:21 GMT
I did not want your posts deleted, because that is not fair to all who conversed with them
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:25:23 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:25:33 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:25:42 GMT
I am offically inviting Willaim Fink to be on my show. I would prefer to do that in a non confrontational manner to highlight his research.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:25:42 GMT
So my only choice was to ban you
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:25:46 GMT
The post is still there, in the sptic tank
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:25:47 GMT
YOU got YOUR wish
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:25:57 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:26:03 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:26:05 GMT
Right, Obadiah, where it belongs!
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:26:10 GMT
<fausto> in my 20 Feasts of Tabernacles i knew 1000s of American at various Feast sites ... i liked very much
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:26:18 GMT
Geez, what did I miss?
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:26:29 GMT
Haley's Comet
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:26:32 GMT
Okay Clayton, probably mid-April if that is okay
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:26:45 GMT
<Matthew Ott> in my 20 Feasts of Tabernacles i knew 1000s of American at various Feast sites ... i liked very much
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:26:51 GMT
Thanks Bruce :)
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:27:08 GMT
Yeah. Just pick one quickly and call me to talk. I don't put anyone on without a number.
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:27:37 GMT
I am NOT your enemy
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:27:48 GMT
<Matthew Ott> ... i liked them (Americans) very much
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:27:51 GMT
Fausto, we are all the same people, we need to stop dividing ourselves nationally.
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:27:55 GMT
I just want to know the TRUTH.
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:28:08 GMT
You got it, I will call tonight (I am in NY)
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:28:16 GMT
the truth shall set us free :-)
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:28:17 GMT
Bill is good at doing just that
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:28:22 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:28:31 GMT
christ also speaks of the difference between those that follow the law of moses vs the teachings of the elders
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:28:45 GMT
This is a wonderful turn of events!!
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:28:51 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:28:54 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:28:59 GMT
obviously two different distinct teachings
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:29:01 GMT
right bob...Torah vs. Talmud
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:29:03 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:29:15 GMT
You might go to my Archive page and listen to my show with the Zionist Lee Kaplan. Eli was part of our second show.
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:29:27 GMT
The jewversions are all wrong
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:29:41 GMT
I listened to you once, when I thought eLI was on and I had the date wrong
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:29:42 GMT
The jews are scared of Christian Identity
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:29:45 GMT
Guest 14 - i do not divide anything ... i unite in fact ... i just was stating what happen in my life ... i have worked only with English people
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:29:54 GMT
and well should be
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:29:55 GMT
the jews dont seem bothered by any other
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:29:56 GMT
jew version = per version
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:30:04 GMT
yea Matt
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:30:05 GMT
I have done a couple of hundred programs, mostly with Eli, over the past year
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:30:08 GMT
No offense Fausto.
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:30:17 GMT
The Jews have leavened eveything else
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:30:21 GMT
ThaThe Jews are afraid. That is why they buried the Ark and the blood of Jesus.
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:30:32 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:30:54 GMT
The true Enemy....JEWS!!!!
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:31:03 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:31:09 GMT
right on 18
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:31:10 GMT
our people can be our enemy as well
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:31:11 GMT
That is why I decided to get my masters and Doctorate in Divinity from Timothy Bible College
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:31:17 GMT
chosen for stubble
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:31:34 GMT
remember Guest 18, we allowed the jews to get away with all this
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:31:47 GMT
there is a difference between YAHWEH'S ENEMIES and OUR ENEMIES
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:31:49 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:31:51 GMT
Guest 14 - in trying to tell the truth, there is never offence and/or insult
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:31:54 GMT
the kikes burned them all
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:32:23 GMT
Right brother.
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:32:27 GMT
Ultimatly though the JEWS are the DEVIL
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:32:36 GMT
of couse they are
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:32:50 GMT
We have the whole Assessment of DHS pointing their finger at Christian Identity in our book, Mystery Babylon
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:33:02 GMT
wow I didn't know they murderd John's father
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:33:19 GMT
I need to purchase a copy of that, looks like an interesting book
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:33:30 GMT
the jews are Yahweh's enemy, thus our enemy. If we have enemies besides that, they are within our family and that is why we are to love them
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:33:36 GMT
The Protevangelion tells us that they murdered John the baptist's fathre
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:33:39 GMT
yea, their end game plan is going to be disrupted by our Prince
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:33:57 GMT
$20.00 and you can read it tonight. PDF by e-mail
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:34:18 GMT
I would rather have the hard copy :-)
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:34:22 GMT
All the blood of the prophets from A (Abel) to Z (Zechariah), oddly Z is the last letter in English, but NOT in Greek
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:34:22 GMT
<JohnWaterman> yes Antonio, padre of Giovanni
Phone StatusChat Status7 of None
2010-03-14 - 17:34:31 GMT
buy the truth, and sell it not
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:34:35 GMT
I can watch it on a video instead.. haha
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:35:00 GMT
all that righteous blood is crying out from the ground for judgement
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 17:35:21 GMT
greg, judgment is coming
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:35:22 GMT
amen Greg, and in our blood as we live
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:35:28 GMT
it is deafening at times greg
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:35:29 GMT
A wepon in one hand and a tool in the other
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:35:38 GMT
Hard to read and listen at the same time!
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 17:35:41 GMT
the judge is returning
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:35:51 GMT
right, Matt. Soon that great cry will be impossible for Yahweh to ignore any longer
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:35:52 GMT
It takes a few weeks to get the hard copy. Sold out of the first printing. Getting the ISB number next week to get it on Amazon
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:35:52 GMT
you get used to it
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:36:33 GMT
to reading and listening at the same time, that is
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:36:42 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:36:46 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:36:56 GMT
There's that spiritual sperm again.
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:36:59 GMT
They get ugly
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:37:03 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 17:37:17 GMT
they talk like niggers too
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:37:17 GMT
Their facial features actually turn negroid afterr years of wiggerism
Phone StatusChat StatusJerel
2010-03-14 - 17:37:18 GMT
Boy is he telling the truth about these trashy whites here in the South.
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:37:23 GMT
they become like the savages
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:37:25 GMT
they morph into hybrids, disgusting!!
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:37:35 GMT
They Morph!
Phone StatusChat Statusmackdog
2010-03-14 - 17:37:54 GMT
jerel, if they dont like niggers, they like white crackheads.
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:37:54 GMT
you are what you sleep with LOL
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:37:58 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusJerel
2010-03-14 - 17:38:10 GMT
true, mackdog
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:38:20 GMT
sadly, mackdog
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:38:29 GMT
Picture a beautiful young woman who becomes an old hag through black magic
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:38:49 GMT
please open that can of worms!!!!
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:38:54 GMT
The children pay for the sin of the parents, they can't help what they are.
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:39:20 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:39:28 GMT
throughout Europe mainly
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:39:33 GMT
who needs a can opener, I have bullets
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:39:38 GMT
just kidding
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:39:40 GMT
Mediteranean area
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:39:45 GMT
lol Randy
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:39:52 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:40:23 GMT
I hope everyone is prepared for the collapse
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:40:34 GMT
the writing is on the wall
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:41:13 GMT
This has been a great journey
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:41:24 GMT
As ready as I can be
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:41:40 GMT
yes, like pastor dzerzhinsky
Phone StatusChat StatusDickinRedDeer
2010-03-14 - 17:41:44 GMT
A House divided against itself can not stand
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:41:56 GMT
Pete Peters is a SERIAL negro-lover
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:42:08 GMT
Who wears a yarmulke
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:42:08 GMT
are you serious?
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:42:17 GMT
you mean RABBI
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 18
2010-03-14 - 17:42:24 GMT
I wish we could have a gathering at sometime!!
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:42:28 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:42:32 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusFreeamerican
2010-03-14 - 17:42:37 GMT
Peters is Jewish?
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:42:49 GMT
check out the pictures:
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:42:49 GMT
might as well be
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:42:50 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:42:50 GMT
he will peter away
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:42:50 GMT
he wears a yarmulke, follow that link
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:43:14 GMT
peter away! Youre very witty bruce
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:43:17 GMT
listen to the words from his own mouth, Peters loves negros and hates Whites, I have all the evidence online
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:43:21 GMT
thats one sick joke
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:43:30 GMT
lol Bruce
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:43:52 GMT
the little hat might be ok for emergency toilet paper
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:44:11 GMT
thats all it's good for
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:44:17 GMT
I would wipe with my underwear first
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:44:24 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:44:29 GMT
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:44:46 GMT
chatroom has been a little feisty today
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:45:08 GMT
usually a good thing
Phone StatusChat StatusJerel
2010-03-14 - 17:45:10 GMT
The blood splatter will wash out, LOL.
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:45:11 GMT
wow, pete pete is a jew nigger faggot lover
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:45:24 GMT
yes sir
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:45:26 GMT
how do we get these books or access to them?
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:45:59 GMT
most are available free online
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 17:45:59 GMT
Thanks Eli and Jeremy Yahweh bless
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:46:02 GMT
Praise Yahweh
Phone StatusChat Statusfausto
2010-03-14 - 17:46:08 GMT
thank you Pastor ELI and Visser
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:46:11 GMT
i used to listen to peters when i was new to CI but he has really gone astray
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:46:16 GMT
good show today, Eli and P. Visser
Phone StatusChat StatusDickinRedDeer
2010-03-14 - 17:46:17 GMT
Yahweh bless you both thank you
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:46:20 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:46:25 GMT
Praise Yahweh! Good job Eli and Jeromy!
Phone StatusChat StatusGuest 14
2010-03-14 - 17:46:28 GMT
I am reading the book of Enoch right now and they have a picture in it of Enoch as a black man!
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:46:28 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:46:28 GMT
The Protevangelion is found in a collection of apocryphal books called
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:46:34 GMT
The Lost Books of the Bible
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:46:36 GMT
thank you pastors Eli and Visser, great show
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:46:40 GMT
and The Missing Books of Eden
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:46:45 GMT
Hail Christ!
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:46:52 GMT
Obamacare is on the way
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:47:00 GMT
Find the one-volume set at
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:47:12 GMT
just like the jewish "hate bill" its coming
Phone StatusChat StatusJohnWaterman
2010-03-14 - 17:47:16 GMT
thanks for the link william
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:47:17 GMT
Christ bless you all! See you on Swordbrethrens program
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:47:18 GMT
I knew it was gonna be jammed down our throats
Phone StatusChat StatusBruceGorman111
2010-03-14 - 17:47:19 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:47:37 GMT
right on Obadiah
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:47:45 GMT
Not all apocryphal books are equal, but there is a lot of good material in those
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:47:53 GMT
I LOVE free online texts!
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 17:47:57 GMT
Yahweh bless all my brethren and praise Yahweh
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:48:07 GMT
yah bless, Ferlin!
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:48:13 GMT
free is a good price lol
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:48:32 GMT
yeah, free is better, but a lot of people like hard copy too
Phone StatusChat Statusflinwpa
2010-03-14 - 17:48:37 GMT
latter Bill
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:49:05 GMT
Yes, poor people like me will take em any way! ;)
Phone StatusChat StatusRandyGray
2010-03-14 - 17:49:24 GMT
they may be free, however, how many people will actually read them
Phone StatusChat Statusbobjusticeil
2010-03-14 - 17:49:42 GMT
agree bill, and it helps to get money to those who research these books, but it is most important for the truth to reach all of us
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:49:57 GMT
I use digital books mostly for reference
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:50:11 GMT
right, dinner is rarely free! LOL
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:50:44 GMT
nothing better than the search button - paper books do not have those
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:50:49 GMT
but I like hard copies too
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:50:58 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 17:51:03 GMT
Google Book Search has an enormous number of off copyright classic books
Phone StatusChat StatusMatthew Ott
2010-03-14 - 17:51:37 GMT
Yah Bless all! See you tonight!
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:51:45 GMT
yes, joel, I already have a hundred or so books rom there - and no time to read most of them
Phone StatusChat Statusobadiah83
2010-03-14 - 17:51:49 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:51:51 GMT
Goodnight, Matt, gimme a call now if you can!
Phone StatusChat StatusJoelMayer
2010-03-14 - 17:51:51 GMT
Have a nice Sunday! It's gloomy in Michigan!
Phone StatusChat StatusWilliam Finck
2010-03-14 - 17:51:57 GMT
oh well
Phone StatusChat Statusgreghoward
2010-03-14 - 17:53:31 GMT
gotta run, brethren, BF, I will call you in the next day or so.
Phone StatusChat StatusPastor Eli James
2010-03-14 - 18:06:42 GMT
Bill: Your #'s busy. Gotta jump in the shnower and get ready for my next apointment. I'll talk to youy late.
Phone StatusChat StatusPastor Eli James
2010-03-14 - 18:06:45 GMT
Phone StatusChat StatusPastor Eli James
2010-03-14 - 18:06:50 GMT

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