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David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

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David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby wmfinck » Sat Oct 10, 2015 10:35 pm

The following text was the end-of-program rant I made after presenting "The Camp of the Saints Revisited" on Saturday October 10th. The program is here:

I was responding to statements made in a podcast by Duke with Blake Sawyer which can be found on Duke's site, or at the Daily Stormer:

Here is my text, for the most part:

I am going to start this next and brief discussion with a remark made by Staropramen at the Christogenea Forum [edited slightly for grammar]:

White Nationalism is itself jewish. It's a kosher rabbit hole for racists. When a follower of say Alex Jones realizes that racism is healthy and tries to break away the jew has David Duke and Don Black right there ready to greet them with open arms. Jews want to gather together all the non-white races against White people. We [meaning White Christians] are supposed to trust Yahweh and be a separate people but White Nationalists would rather gather together all the non-whites against the jews! They take their script from the jews! Jews have success because of our disobedience, not because this game plan of theirs is a good one. White Nationalists don't understand this so they figure that the jewish plan is a good one and they'll use it against them. Whites without Christ shall fail regardless of strategy.

And all of that is absolutely true. And because of things like this I have made references to “Daisy Duke and Donna Black”, and have called Duke an “Al Sharpton in White-face”, which is exactly what he is. I do not repent of those comments, and would gladly discuss those things with either of them in person.

But there is one thing which these White Nationalists do rather consistently which is absolutely treacherous, and that is that they believe and maintain the lies of the Jews concerning the history of the Bible. Last week, as I wrote the article I just presented, I planned on discussing this topic, and then this opportunity came up, which I simply cannot resist using as the basis for such a discussion.

It was brought to my attention that David Duke just the other day had done a program with a fellow named Blake Sawyer. The headline for the program posted at Duke's website announces an “Interview with a New Testament Scholar on the Christian Scripture Concerning Jews”. This so-called “scholar” just happens to be a host on Rense Radio, where Duke also broadcasts, where he is billed as “a health educator, author, radio show host, & trends researcher. He has been involved as a behind-the-scenes researcher for several #1 best selling books and is a published author himself. He has been a successful entrepreneur for the past 4 decades.” His profile on Rense Radio then goes on to say that “Mr. Sawyer’s other expertise is in the area of surviving The Collapse. This includes World War III, the world-wide economic collapse, the tyrannical global government, natural disasters, pandemics and epidemics, false flags, ruthless governments, a collapse of society (with subsequent rioting and anarchy), Fukushima, and hundreds of other potential life-threatening scenarios.”

Now all of those topics have a million and one so-called “experts” on the internet, and a few months of internet reading proves every one of them to be a clown. Now my purpose is not necessarily to attack this Sawyer fellow. But you can tell a lot about a man's principles simply by the places that he habituates. Here are a few more lines about Sawyer from the Rense site: “Besides hosting two different one hour weekly radio shows, Blake has shared his expertise and unique perspective on the subjects of health/disease and surviving The Collapse/New World Order with millions of people as a guest on various radio shows. Over the past 30 years, those shows include Coast to Coast, Jeff Rense, Kevin Trudeau Radio, The Edge with Daniel Ott, and many others.”

But many of these appearances were about natural health, an endeavor which Sawyer seems to have been engaged in the longest, and I won't judge him poorly for that. The Coast to Coast program, however, is a regular parade of clowns and so-called “experts” just like Mr. Sawyer, and each of them has some great and fascinating pile of horseshit to share with millions of marshmallow-minded idiots. Mr. Sawyer, according to his own profile on Rense, is also just another internet sensationalist who takes advantage of fear porn for the purpose of promoting himself, and guys like that are a dime-a-dozen.

However we did not see any serious academic work about the Bible or history in any of the common literature about Blake Sawyer on the internet. You would think that the guy that David Duke considers “a true and magnificent Biblical scholar” would have published some work somewhere that actually qualifies him as such a scholar. We are not going to see his life-saving information, because he wants $30 a year to subscribe to his website. [If I could get a mere $3 a year from each person who accesses Christogenea, I could live in a mansion on the beach rather than a double-wide in the back woods where I live now.]

From what we have seen in his own literature, however, Blake Sawyer abuses a few passages from Scripture to promote an apocalyptic scenario so that he can sell you on some of his other ideas or services or goods, which he may or may not profit from personally. He does show his hand as a fear-porn artist where he trumpets this on his website: “A projected 75% to 90% of the world’s population will die within the next 5 to 15 years.” But real Christians should pray for that day, and not fear it at all.

Because David Duke considers Blake Sawyer to be such a great scholar, we are going to play only the introduction of Duke's podcast here, where he had Sawyer as a guest, just to show how much David Duke fell over himself in announcing this clown as a great and magnificent Bible Scholar.

Here is Duke's introduction of Sawyer, where he had his head so far up his ass, he must have tasted his dinner:

Here is what Duke's own synopsis of the program said:

Dr. Duke had as his guest for the hour Biblical scholar and broadcaster Blake Sawyer. Dr. Duke asked Mr. Sawyer about the relationship between God and the Jews as reflected in the New Testament. Mr. Sawyer explained that in the New Testament that there is not a single word about the restoration of a state of Israel and that it is clear that Jews killed Jesus.

Now, all of that is correct, but these things are obvious to the most casual reader of the New Testament, and one certainly does not need a “magnificent scholar” to figure them out.
Duke's synopsis of the program continues by saying:

He also points out that in the Old Testament, God’s promises to the Jews were all conditional on their behavior, and that the Jews broke their covenant. “We are in the great apostasy,” he said, pointing out that even self-proclaimed Christian ministers like John Hagee have to cite Talmud quoting Rabbis rather than even the Old Testament when they make their twisted case for Christians supporting Israel. He finished up by making it clear that the antichrist of biblical prophecy is to be a Jew, and not a Muslim.

And except for the obvious things that he said about the Zionist agent and fraud John Hagee, every other statement he gave here is a lie.

First, in the Old Testament God never made any promises to Jews. There is not one recorded promise to Jews anywhere in the Old Testament. In fact, the word “Jew” does not appear in the King James Version until 2 Kings chapter 16, of events which were well over a thousand years after the time of Abraham. To call Abraham a Jew is like calling Hengist and Horsa Americans, because the English were the major contributing founders of America. I know that last statement is arguable, but it is true and that is a valid example. Blake Sawyer is just as stupid as John Hagee.

Secondly, the promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were without condition. Go read all of the initial promises to Abraham in Genesis chapters 12 through 16, and there are no conditions attached to any of them. Go read the promises to Jacob, the designated heir of the promises to Abraham, as they are recorded in Genesis chapter 35, and there are no conditions there either. Not one.

This is repeated by Paul of Tarsus in the New Testament, in Galatians chapter 3 where he said “ 17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. 18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.”

The law was given to Israel as a condition for the maintenance of a kingdom. Every kingdom requires law. But the promises to Abraham and Jacob far transcended the kingdom which was established 400 years later.

Blake Sawyer is no Old Testament scholar, and he is certainly no New Testament scholar, or he would be familiar with these words of Paul's, and he should have investigated them before he ran his mouth. Rather, he is just another clown playing scholar. He should get a real job, and so should David Duke. From what I hear, Walmart is hiring.

Where Duke says that Sawyer “finished up by making it clear that the antichrist of biblical prophecy is to be a Jew, and not a Muslim”, he distinguishes himself as a clown once again. The word antichrist only appears in the New Testament in the epistles of John, in both the singular and the plural. There it appears 5 times in 2 chapters, in 1 John chapter 2 and 2 John chapter 1. The word is used by John of people contemporary to his own time – although they exist in much greater numbers in our own time and every time we see it is in the same context which we see in 1 John 2:22 where the apostle wrote “ 22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” In all truth, both Jews and Muslims are antichrists, although the true meaning of the word goes even far beyond that.

So in essence, David Duke picked up some Judeo minded fucktard who happens to be Jew-wise, and because he can sound like he knows something Duke advertises him as some great scholar, when in fact the clown has obviously done zero original research and knows nothing. But he can indeed parrot what Duke wants to believe about the Bible.

This is where Identity Christians must continue to chastise these so-called White Nationalists.
First, I want to say a few things about Christian Identity and original research. No historical or Biblical research is really original, in the sense that a particular individual invented it, and all true scholars should know that. Rather, original research is conducted by examining documents from sources as close as possible to the target subject, and drawing conclusions based on those documents which can be verified by the documents themselves. When it concerns ancient history or the Bible, quite often archaeological findings such as inscriptions and monuments can augment the material found in the documents.

This is our area at Christogenea, and it is what we do all of the time (saying Christogenea, I am counting Clifton Emahiser's ministry as well, as we work together closely, and also must give some credit to many of the contributors to our forum). But real original research takes many hours of concentration and painstaking labor to do these things. However we did not invent Christian Identity. Many men for two hundred years before us have developed our view of history and theology, by studying the same documents and inscriptions which we have studied behind them.

We have many Christian Identity friends in Louisiana, David Duke's home state, and other states in the South. Some of them knew George Lincoln Rockwell, and even Gerald L. K. Smith. Of course, I was not around in those days. But I have heard the first-hand testimony from some of these men, that David Duke was informed of Christian Identity and the true identity of the Jews long ago, and chose to reject it on what he had called “theological grounds”.

Now, my own Christian Identity studies put together with those of a Clifton Emahiser, and even a Bertrand Comparet, are indeed quite voluminous, and I would not expect anyone to accept what I say about the identity of true Israel with a few sound bites, or even with a podcast or two. It is a much deeper study than that, and one has to have an open mind in order to accept that everything he or she learned all their lives is a lie. But it is.

However concerning the Jews, it is a relatively short study in the New Testament, along with some of the prophets, and the histories of Flavius Josephus, or even in the statements of the pagan historians such as Strabo and Diodorus Siculus, to see convincing proof that the Jews of today are not the people of Judah of 2,500 years ago, and they are certainly not all of Israel. This is easy to prove, but Duke rejects the information again and again. It simply is not something which he wants to hear.

So he finds clowns like Blake Sawyer, he calls them “scholars”, and he listens to everything that he does want to hear, which enables him to reject Jews, but to embrace Muslims and every other sort of antichrist on the face of the earth. It is obvious that Duke does this out of political expediency, but that political expediency is based upon lies, and it will get him nowhere.

However the real problem with the position that Duke clings to is this: So long as the typical Judeo Christian thinks that the jews really are the people of the Old Testament, so long as they believe the lie that Abraham was a Jew, the typical Judeo Christian is going to look at Genesis chapter 12 where it says “I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you” and by the fear of God they will always worship the Jews. Mr. Duke's perpetuation of the lie will therefore always benefit the Jews, and he is not such a great thinker after all. Like Blake Sawyer, David Duke is also a clown. However all White nationalists who follow him are thereby made into an army of clowns.

Since he has been doing it for 30 years, maybe that is his goal in the first place, and he is not a failure after all. Duke claims that his message is a message of “freedom”. The last false prophet of the Old Testament, in the book of Jeremiah, was named Pashur, and in Hebrew that name also means “freedom”. For Christians, and for all Whites, there is no freedom without the truth in Christ.

When a man absolutely refuses to see a truth which over and again has been explained with perfect clarity, it must at some point become obvious that man has an agenda.

Think about it. Anyone who upholds the lies of the Jews is a shill, and that includes David Duke and his latest “scholar”.

The only way to defeat Jewry is to tell people the truth about who the Jews are, because the truth will indeed set us free. Think about it: the Jews have undermined Christendom by disconnecting Christians from their true national identities, while at the same time they are truly lying about their own national identity. How long will Daisy Duke help them to do that?
If a jew is moving his lips, he's lying. If you see a rabbi, there has already been a crime!
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby MichaelAllen » Sun Oct 11, 2015 12:23 am


I have to agree. Duke is an overt psy-op... he's above the staircase from Alex Jones, but probably a greater detour away from a person's path to truth. He discredits the Bible over and over again, and he upholds that view that somehow, these rodent kikes are the Israel of 3500 years ago.

As much as Duke has been all over the world, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that he can not be aware of Christian Identity's plentiful research and publishing on this topic of "jews, Judea, and Judah" --- it really ISN'T that complicated, so long as you're not a moron. Duke is no moron - therefore that leaves one alternative. He's corrupt.

David Duke and Don Black (I think we should just start calling him Don Nigger, because that's about as useful as he is)...

Then there's Tomislav Sunic - I saw a youtube video from a couple years ago where this sellout says that we whites are the Canaanites of the Old Testament and the jews are still trying to kill us.

Then there's this young guy Matthew Heimbach (which I like, I just think he's severely misguided about Christianity). He believes in Christianity but has never endorsed CI, and he believes in basically an apartheid protestant viewpoint of universalism.

I saw another pro-white gathering with a discussion on youtube that I believe took place in the UK and the question came up whether or not we should dump Christianity. You know, the thing is, who the hell is attending these gatherings?

Why do they never allow one of us in CI to offer our perspective on the whole "Is Christianity for whites or is it an extension of the jewish tradition?"

I mean, certainly CI has made enough raucous about this over the years that Duke cannot be uninformed or unaware. Nope... he has surreptitious motives in this movement, and EVERY WHITE NATIONALIST SHOULD MARK him as "suspect." His ass could very well be on the payroll.

It's not simply knowing that we are Israel that the jews fear. Not at all. It's what will naturally happen as a result of that when a sizeable portion of our folk realize it. #1, our people will realize that the churches are all completely full of hocus pocus. #2, they are going to study the Bible harder and more than they ever have #3, they are going to cut themselves off from the endless supply of worldliness that abounds in the controlled media (mainstream or alternative), and #4 and most important... they're going to realize that God's laws were never put away.

The jew is afraid of having to live under God's laws, because he knows that he cannot do it. The law requires that men act with good will toward one another, and the jew will never be able to do that and be capable of gathering wealth to himself - that's what he's really fighting against.

So, every time that Duke and other blowhards like him open their mouth and say that the Old Testament is jewish, well, that plays into the line that the jew would like our people to tread... because it is basically saying, "The Old Testament is jewish" then add the next one: "the law is done away with."

It is only the willful forcing of Yahweh's laws onto society by Christians that can ever prevent the jew from being a jew.

So again, if the Old Testament is jewish, then we can throw God's laws out the door. This actually fits right with evangelicalism' anti-nomianism. David Duke is just a damned judeochristian and nothing more - except maybe he doesn't want to share a pew with a nigger - but that would only make him a hypocrite.

Everytime these guys open their mouths, it just makes it that much harder to convince our white nationalist pagan brethren that we know what we are talking about on the whole issue of Biblical identity.
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby EzraLB » Mon Oct 12, 2015 6:35 am

David Duke suffers from the same mental disconnect as Michael A. Hoffman--they both make a living criticizing the Jews for being "racial supremacists"; and yet both fail to understand that if they allow for the Jews to maintain their identity as the true children of Israel, then the Jews do have a moral foundation for their racial supremacy, which is why no Judeo-Christian will be pursuaded by Duke or Hoffman into abandoning their support of Ersatz Israel.

What makes David Duke so pathetic is that he actually envies the Jews for having a supposed moral foundation for their racial supremacy. He's like that whining child who complains to his mother, "But Mom, why does Johnny get to do that, but I can't?" Of course, he never admits his envy; rather, he disingenuously claims that all people, everywhere have a right to racial and national self-determination, just like the Jews. How trite.

Duke also promotes the "real Jew" and "fake Jew" concept based on the flimsy Khazar thesis. But this is self-contradicting also--he claims that Khazars are "fake" Jews and therefore have no right to return to Israel. But implicit in that idea is that "real" Jews do have a right to return to Israel. But then he claims, well, even "real" Jews don't have the right to return to Israel because they have violated the covenant of the Old Testament and disobeyed God. And what's his proof of that? The Jews created a racially supremacist state in Israel. It's all a circular argument that leads nowhere.

Duke refuses to understand that the Jews high-jacked the identity of the Israelites over 2000 years ago to legitimate their plan for world domination. All the racial supremacist ideas in the Talmud are cribbed from the Old Testament, a fact that seems to elude even Michael Hoffman. By granting the Jews the identity of the ancient Israelites, they put themselves in the untenable position of arguing that Yahweh made his Law conditional and therefore to none effect. Or even worse, they put themselves in a position of claiming that there is no racial covenant in the Bible at all, which, of course, suits the Jews just fine.
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby Kentucky » Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:22 pm

EzraLB wrote:David Duke suffers from the same mental disconnect as Michael A. Hoffman--they both make a living criticizing the Jews for being "racial supremacists"

That's being very kind to their motives. I think there's a deeper disconnect with their base support. I have never used the term "jewish supremacist" simply because it is a spin-off of White Supremacist, as if the former is evil because the latter is evil also. And thus compromising the fact that God made a race of people superior to all others (Deut. 7:6) and that now the fan club members of Duke and Hoffman are left with no other alternative than the White race being equal to or inferior to all others. Of course, the reality is that jews are not superior in any of the things attributed to White Supremacy i.e. intelligence, creativity, inventiveness, endurance, spirituality, charity, governing, discipline, on and on it goes. The only thing the jew excels in is deception, cunning, conniving, chaos, the occult, greed, destruction, dialectics and on and on it goes. The joke really is on Duke and his ilk when their ego supersedes the rational deconstruction of their arguments and they act as if you have stepped on the toes of God Himself. Once you see the bankruptcy of their secular philosophies, their shallow claim to being Christian pales into insignificant piety when compared to the facts of Christian Identity submitted to a candid world. If Duke is not a shill for the jews, he is at the very least, a useful idiot." Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" Romans 1:22.

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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby Staropramen » Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:31 pm

Kentucky wrote:And thus compromising the fact that God made a race of people superior to all others (Deut. 7:6)

I was recently accused of having a "superiority complex" by one judeo as if that's wrong. My response was "I sure hope so. Scripture tells us we're superior!"
"If God is a Jew then the only thing left for us to do is commit suicide"
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby MikeTheAdamite » Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:17 am

I agree with Bills point that 'the truth shall set us free' BUT didn't Jacob Israel lie to his father to win the birthright and thus succeeding in continuing the promise make to Abraham?
This to me suggests that lieing can be justified if there is no honest solution!
David duke perhaps has taken this stance that the only way to win political popularity today is to lie to the blind masses just like Jacob lied to his blind father?
I'm not siding with duke,I'm just suggesting that he (just like most of the nationalist parties in Europe) has taken a leaf out of Jacobs book??
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby wmfinck » Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:27 am

But Duke's lie is preventing Duke and harming anyone who struggles to tell the truth, as I said here:

However the real problem with the position that Duke clings to is this: So long as the typical Judeo Christian thinks that the jews really are the people of the Old Testament, so long as they believe the lie that Abraham was a Jew, the typical Judeo Christian is going to look at Genesis chapter 12 where it says “I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you” and by the fear of God they will always worship the Jews. Mr. Duke's perpetuation of the lie will therefore always benefit the Jews, and he is not such a great thinker after all. Like Blake Sawyer, David Duke is also a clown. However all White nationalists who follow him are thereby made into an army of clowns.

So only WNs who have rejected both Jews AND Christ will follow Duke. And as long as there is a Genesis 12:3, mainstream Christians who errantly think the Jews are the people of the Book - the lie which Duke upholds, will continue to reject Duke.
If a jew is moving his lips, he's lying. If you see a rabbi, there has already been a crime!
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby Kentucky » Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:10 pm

MikeTheAdamite wrote:I agree with Bills point that 'the truth shall set us free' BUT didn't Jacob Israel lie to his father to win the birthright and thus succeeding in continuing the promise make to Abraham?
This to me suggests that lieing can be justified if there is no honest solution!
David duke perhaps has taken this stance that the only way to win political popularity today is to lie to the blind masses just like Jacob lied to his blind father?
I'm not siding with duke,I'm just suggesting that he (just like most of the nationalist parties in Europe) has taken a leaf out of Jacobs book??

Taken into context, Duke is more akin to Esau than Jacob. Esau sold his birthright to his brother. So technically, Jacob with the help of his mother, made sure the birthright holder was blessed. Duke, like Esau, could care less about the racial heritage of his race, forsaking the past relationship his people had with God and a future that he only gave lip service to while race mixing, which translates into Duke's love for personal gain by being a part of jew Jeff Rense's radio network. He is now in the same camp as jews Henry Macow and Brother [sic] Nathaniel Kapner. The priority for Duke is not the truth of God's Word, but the salesmanship of Duke's fan club. The charade with Jacob's father was necessary, because evidently Isaac had the tunnel vision of only the elder son ever receiving the blessings, although there are provisions to withhold such things. I would go so far as to say that Duke can be likened to Judas, a modern son of perdition who doesn't give a second thought to betray our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver. Actually, Duke has no regard for the money people throw at him. When he had the organization NOFEAR, an athletic company sued Duke for trademark infringement and rather than Duke acquiescing and changing the name to something else... like ah EURO duh, Duke spends $200,000 to fight it in court... and of course, he lost. That's got to be a lifetime supply of red lentil soup for every WN out there! For Duke, it's just business, which has become a lucrative one for him.

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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby MikeTheAdamite » Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:30 pm

You make some valid points Mark,and I agree that it is very hard to excuse duke as simply playing the game when he is tied up with various Jewish cranks and by misleading people as to their true identity.
Like Bill says:David duke is just another rabbit hole!
Last edited by MikeTheAdamite on Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby Kentucky » Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:34 pm

MikeTheAdamite wrote:Like Bill says:David duke is just another rabbit hole!

I'd call it a rabbi hole lol

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